There is a lot of talk about “Bucket Lists,” a buzz phrase popularized after Jack Nicholson and Morgan Friedman’s movie of the same name (2007). But is it important to even HAVE a Bucket List when planning for your financial future?

When it comes down to it, having a financial bucket list is just consciously making financial decisions that help you achieve long-term goals in life, whether they be a snow-bird home in Florida, a trip to the Great Unknown, or leaving a modest but memorable amount to each of your grandchildren through education planning with a 529 Savings Plan [U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s introduction to 529 Savings Plans HERE].

The very fact that you are seeking information on a financial advisor site such as WT Wealth Management shows you have this on your mind – and that is the first step.

Here are a few articles to take you a bit further in your thinking. As soon as you’re ready, we are, too. Let’s sit down, hear about those financial goals, and start working towards achieving them.

We offer free consultations, at your convenience. Reach out and contact us. Let that be your second step.

How to Achieve Your Financial Bucket List

on U.S.News Money
“That may not translate into wishing you worked harder, but it may mean that you wished you had earned more – or saved your money more wisely… So if you have a financial bucket list – that is, a list of goals you hope to achieve if you can just find the money – here are a few strategies that may prove useful when trying to achieve your lifelong dreams…” [Read more HERE]

10 Items to Add to Your Financial Bucket List

on U.S.News Money
“Everyone probably knows what a regular bucket list is: a list of big goals and dreams to achieve before kicking the bucket – a lovely sentiment except for that dying part. A financial bucket list focuses on your monetary goals, such as becoming debt-free and retiring early…” [Read more HERE]

8 things to put on your financial bucket list

“Most items on your bucket list, or list of things you’d like to do before you kick the bucket, probably don’t have much to do with finance, other than that they’ll need to be paid for. After all, climbing Mount Kilimanjaro or scuba diving the Great Barrier Reef doesn’t come cheap…” [Read more HERE]

“My Financial Bucket List” Workbook

on Daring to Live Fully
“’My Financial Bucket List Workbook” has ideas and prompts to help you create a list of goals–or bucket list items–that will address every aspect of your personal finances:

  • Creating a Financial Philosophy
  • Eliminating the Mental Barriers to Wealth
  • Getting Control Over Your Finances
  • Increasing Your Income
  • Applying Conscious Spending
  • Increasing Your Net Worth
  • Using Credit Cards Wisely
  • Eliminating Debt
  • Reducing Your Tax Burden
  • Protecting Your Assets
  • Becoming a Savvy Investor
  • Taking Care of Your Loved Ones
  • Preparing for Retirement
  • Leaving Your Affairs in Order When You Pass Away
  • Giving Back to Your Community
  • Financing Your Bucket List”
Read more HERE